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Is Your Website A Marketing Hub?

Grow your business with TWMA's Marketing Solutions

Is Your Website A Marketing Hub?

Traditional ways of managing online marketing - email marketing, social media, content marketing, etc. - are time consuming and tedious. Today we are in a time when your organization should be able to efficiently execute a wide variety of online communication strategies directly from your website’s Content Management System (CMS). Your website’s CMS should have the capabilities to serve as your online communications command center. When this is accomplished, it will change the way that you market forever.

The marketing experts at The Website Marketing Agency provide their clients with one central dashboard, from which they can manage the vast majority of their online marketing. One spoke in that wheel is a custom-created, integrated email-marketing platform.

Bill Zaferopolos manages the email marketing for TWMA.

“The platform is integrated into the CMS, and includes segmented email groups, an unsubscribe option, bulk email distribution, email success analytics, and a custom email design template library,” Zaferopolos said. “By incorporating email marketing, coupled with splash pages, our clients are able to manage and track hyper-targeted communications that are relevant to various segment groups, while pulling them in to view relevant communications.”

Splash pages are a great way to hyper-target communications to target audiences. TWMA clients have the power to create splash pages whenever they’d like, quickly and easily. Within the CMS, administrators have the capability to reutilize custom page types, and incorporate hyper-targeted content. These pages can be hidden from view and utilized in unison with targeted online, as well as traditional marketing campaigns.

Social media marketing can be daunting, however with the new module from TWMA the process becomes streamlined and clear. Understanding that SEO and Social Media success are driven by fresh, current, and up-to-date content, it is important to have a plan in place. The platform automates this process by allowing the organization to load up a queue full of future posts in advance, and set each post’s publish time and date. When the publish time arrives, the post automatically publishes to the website’s blog, and a teaser of the post gets posted to the company’s Facebook page.

Finally, by allowing for regular content, graphic,  and video updates utilizing the CMS, your organization will have the ability to regularly update your online communications, which is at the core of an effective content marketing strategy. This should include having the ability to update sliders, testimonials/case studies, customizable forms, product and service additions, general content etc. In the end you should have the capability to update just about everything on your website.

These are just a few of the functions that your CMS should provide you the ability to accomplish. By implementing and executing these functions and strategies, you are taking a pull method of online communications. Meaning, you are pulling prospective clients that have relevant interest in all, or a segment of what your organization has to offer. In the end, By putting these types of efficient communication strategies in place, your website will become your central marketing tool.