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New Video Highlights The Website Marketing Agency

Grow your business with TWMA's Marketing Solutions

New Video Highlights The Website Marketing Agency

State College, PA marketing agency The Website Marketing Agency now has a 2-minute video on their homepage, detailing the firm's services. The video was produced by Aphelion Entertainment, an award-winning video production company based in New Jersey.

The video, entitled "The Website Marketing Agency: The Movie" keeps the viewer entertained with well-produced graphics, while the voice-over explains the company's mantra of increased marketing effectiveness and efficiency for its clients.

Stephanie Yager is the owner of the agency. Her goal is to maximize communication effectiveness for both her clients and within her own companies.

"The video is one part of our communications strategy at TWMA," Yager said. "If you look at the TWMA homepage, there are a number of different communications vehicles - each one necessary because every visitor unique in how they are best communicated with."

To learn more about how your company's communications can he enhanced using your website, contact The Website Marketing Agency today.