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What Profitable Actions Are Your Website Visitors Able To Complete?

Grow your business with TWMA's Marketing Solutions

What Profitable Actions Are Your Website Visitors Able To Complete?

When thinking about your company website, typically the first thing that you will consider is its look and feel. This is generally followed by analyzing the structure and organization of your site’s navigation and content. The element that is typically forgotten is the overall functionality of the site.

When engineering your website development strategy, State College Pennsylvania based The Website Marketing Agency asks an important question right at the beginning of their process. That question is “When a visitor comes to your site, what actions would you like them to accomplish prior to leaving your site?”

Bill Zaferopolos is the Director of Business Development for TWMA.

“The development of custom functionality that allows visitors to complete the desired actions necessary to make a buying decision play a tremendous part in the overall success of the website,” Zaferopolos says.

Some examples of potential functions include e-commerce, an on-site email marketing platform, customizable online forms, coupon code integration, on-site advertising and promotional opportunities, on-site door-to-door directions, client login capabilities, etc. The challenge is that the desired actions can differ based on each company’s individual goals for their site.

An effective internet marketing agency will be able to be creative and flexible, not only in the look and feel of the website, but also strategizing and implementing a plan to complete meaningful and profitable actions. When all of these elements are in line, your website will be poised for success.